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Asset Finance Shop

148 Edgecliff Road, Woollahra New South Wales 2025 Australia


User since Jun 2021


Department Name

Business Loan Broker

Minimum Loan Size ($)


Maximum Loan Size ($)


Loan Type

Asset Backed Loans, Cash Flow Lends

Point of differentiation

*Approvals in less than 48 hours
*Chattel Mortgage and Operating Leases
*Rent-to-own options
*Non-property owners accepted
*Poor credit history
*New and existing ABNS
*No deposit options
*Low doc loans up to 500K
*No age restrictions on any assets
*Sale and buyback

About Asset Finance Shop

Australian Small Business Loans
Our small business loans provide small and medium businesses like yours easy access to the working capital you need to secure or increase your inventory, fix or buy new equipment, launch effective marketing campaigns, carry out renovations, or expand to additional locations.
How do I know if I’m eligible?
Are you an australian-based business?
Have you been in trading for at least 6 months?
Is your average income greater than $5,000 per month?
Do you have a dedicated business bank account?
What documents are required to apply?
✓ Last 6 months bank statements.
✓ Valid identification proof.
How long does it take to get a small business loan?
Applying for your small business loan takes just a few minutes and credit decisions are instant. You’ll be given access to funds in as little as 24 hours.
Get in touch to take your business further with the experts in small business lending!
Apply in minutes — No obligation

Do you have any information about Asset Finance Shop which you believe should be updated or added on our platform? Click here

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